Experienced Auto Accident Attorneys In Honolulu, Hawaii
At Leavitt, Yamane & Soldner, our personal injury lawyers assist people throughout Hawaii who have been seriously injured in a car accident through the fault of others. Auto accidents in Hawaii are common due to heavy traffic, drunk driving, distracted driving, and speeding. Injuries resulting from these accidents often cause debilitating, long-term physical pain and emotional distress, and costly medical expenses for treatment, rehabilitation, and possibly long-term care. If you have been injured in a car accident on Kauai, Oahu, Maui, Lanai, Molokai, or Hawaii Island, it’s important to speak to an experienced personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. Waiting too long could mean that critical evidence may be lost, and witnesses may become unreachable. At Leavitt, Yamane & Soldner, our experienced car accident lawyers have spent decades dealing with the at-fault driver’s insurance company and have helped clients cover the cost of treatment and get the maximum compensati...